

We are a law firm. No question about it. However, we are a unique kind of firm.

What sets us apart is that we tackle any challenge from many different angles and disciplines to find sophisticated, precise and prompt legal solutions.

Our clients’ challenges are not only legal in nature. They also are about economics, business, image and a combination of other factors. Addressing them only from a legal perspective is a mistake. Therefore, we decided to take a unique approach: we are group of lawyers, engineers, software developers and professionals from other disciplines that peruse our clients’ issues, find the answers and deploy them as legal solutions with technical and commercial savvy.




Meet our firm’s founder.

Erick earned his law degree at Tec de Monterrey, his masters in law at the University of Chicago and his experience as a software developer from passion. Erick focuses his practice to arbitration, litigation and antitrust. He has successfully represented national and international clients in industries such as information techonologies, chemicals, construction, oil and gas , renewable energies, telecom, financial services, insurance and more in arbitration, court and antitrust proceedings. Erick has earned our clients’ trust due to his thorough knowledge of their cases and the law applying to them, his sophisticated and quick turnaround and for tackling issues not only from the legal standpoint but also from the business, economics and tecnology perspectives. Erick has a strong drive for innovation. After founding the firm in 2018, we have developed a series tools and tech resources that have made us more efficient, precise and swift in providing advice and in representing our clients. Erick is also a part-time lecturer at Tec de Monterrey. He has been distinguished as one of the best lecturers nationwide.  

WHO WE ARE | Clavel Abogados